Things to do in Namur, Bruges, Antwerp & Brussels this week, from performances, music, and art nights to a giant birthday bash. See you there!
Art night: Borger Nocturne
Friday, 28 October, 18h00 Antwerp
Borger, an organisation bringing together the galleries and art initiatives in increasingly popular Antwerp neighbourhoods Zurenborg and Borgerhout, is best known for its regular art nights with long opening hours (“nocturnes”). There’s another edition happening this Friday, which you best attend with this handy map gathering all participating art spaces and their locations.
Music: Tourist at Pilar
Friday, 28 October, 20h00 Brussels
Pilar aka House for Art & Science is the creative platform at VUB offering a space to all kinds of expressions in word, image and sound. On the menu this Friday: British electronic musician William Phillips, better known under his moniker Tourist. The Grammy winner’s latest record “Inside Out”, released in May, is a very personal affair on which he his trying to process the death of a close friend. Listen here.
Performance: Juan Pablo Plazas at Poortersloge
Friday, 28 October, 20h00 Bruges
Colombian, Brussels-based artist Juan Pablo Plazas, currently part of the renowned HISK program in Ghent, is predominantly known for his playful, anthropological performances based on everyday objects and occurrences which he removes from their ordinary context. This Friday, you’re invited to “Vacaciones al pelo” at Bruges art space Poortersloge. And, while you’re there, also check out “Quartet”, a group show full of poetic humour, colour, popular visual culture and representations of (dys)functional architecture.
Birthday bash: 20 years of Catclub
Saturday, 29 October, 22h30 Brussels
20 years of rapturous, glittery parties in changing locations from underground warehouses to Belgian architectural gems, cutting-edge music, an open-minded crowd known for its creative dresscode… hard to believe that Belgian nightlife institution Catclub is turning 20 already! Come celebrate the birthday bash this Saturday with ISAbella, Franziska Berns and Fais Le Beau behind the decks at a brand new venue in Chaussée de Mons. All details here.
Art festival: KIKK 2022
From 27 to 30 October Namur
An annual art festival taking place in the Walloon city of Namur, KIKK builds bridges between art, culture, science and technology. There’s a market presenting the newest innovative objects and ideas, workshops for kids, and a city-wide art exhibition taking place in 20 different indoor and outdoor locations from Natalie Paeng’s immersive installation of a glitched and recontextualized version of Shakespeare’s Hamlet to “Superorganism” by Justine Emard, a reactive installation consisting of robotic glass sculptures. Full program here.
Workshop: Cyanotype at L’Enfant Sauvage
Sunday, 30 October, 13-17h00 Brussels
You want to go beyond clicking a button on your smartphone when taking a picture? Then this wonderful workshop at L’Enfant Sauvage, an art space entirely dedicated to photography, is a great place to start. Toinette Chaudron introduces participants to one of the oldest photography techniques in the world: Cyanotype. Info and reservations here.