Lorem Ipsum, located just in between Brussels’ Chatelain and Brugman neighbourhoods, opened up last September in a quiet side street, offering a welcome change of pace to the loud and overcrowded places directly at the squares. “We chose this spot a bit off the beaten track on purpose”, explains Vanni who launched the place together with two friends, adding: “Our goal is to build up our own, familiar clientele instead of attracting lots of passers-by.”
It’s the kind of neighbourhood bar where you can grab some delicious lunch (the salmon wasabi sandwich with vegetable soup and salad were no less than mind-blowing), stop for a coffee or have some drinks in the evening – especially if you are into gin. The menue includes several different types of gin tonics, for example served with orange and liquorice roots. And if all these drinks make you hungry, no need to leave: different finger foods are served until late at night so you don’t have to take a walk to the nearest friterie. It is this attention to detail and customer-tailored approach which makes Lorem Ipsum stand out. And another plus: it’s dog-friendly!
Lorem Ipsum, Rue du Mail 76, 1050 Brussels